
Showing posts from January, 2018

Why choose career counselling?

Career guidance is available to a wide audience. Even those who already have a job can benefit from it. You gain insight into your strengths and weaknesses. Sometimes you do not know for yourself which direction you want to go. Then a professional - who looks at things from a distance - can offer a solution. How to register for career guidance? "Through iDreamCareer you can indicate which problems you want guidance. You can also choose online career counselling and a moment that suits you best. A coach will call you with more explanation and record an exploratory conversation or appointment. You can immediately get started!" How do you proceed?          "Once I have received a career check, I send a confirmation email. The client also receives a personality test, a motivation test and a questionnaire about talents and abilities. In this way, the client can prepare for the first session." "At iDreamCareer all career counsellor are experts who