Why choose career counselling?

Career guidance is available to a wide audience. Even those who already have a job can benefit from it. You gain insight into your strengths and weaknesses. Sometimes you do not know for yourself which direction you want to go. Then a professional - who looks at things from a distance - can offer a solution.

How to register for career guidance?
"Through iDreamCareer you can indicate which problems you want guidance. You can also choose online career counselling and a moment that suits you best. A coach will call you with more explanation and record an exploratory conversation or appointment. You can immediately get started!"
How do you proceed?         
"Once I have received a career check, I send a confirmation email. The client also receives a personality test, a motivation test and a questionnaire about talents and abilities. In this way, the client can prepare for the first session."
"At iDreamCareer all career counsellor are experts who work with the same model. That is based on the story and the needs of the client. Typical for our approach is that we can work more deeply. For example, we do not only deal with aspects of the work environment, but also the private life. Work and private life are inextricably linked."
What is the result?
"The end result is a personal development and action plan that maps out how the client can reach the new career goal. This can range from a conversation with a manager to a completely new challenge. Or student can easily choose what to do after 10th, career guidance after 12th, career guidance after engineering etc. The result is different for everyone. "
How long does career counselling take?
"One career check depends on the requirement of students. We provide sufficient amount of time for counselling until the students reach their final goal. Those who wish can - extend the career guidance with a new check. Moreover, you can spread the hours as you want."

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