Career guidance: What is it?

Career counseling is guiding people in their careers with a request for help, in the event of obstacles or in determining their course of action at work or in their careers.
 A career guidance counselor helps you find and find the answers within yourself.

Career guidance What is it and what is not

It can be a single conversation for a CV check or a series of conversations with burnout or if you want to determine your course again.
Career guidance is not the problem solving for you, it is not meant as a way to get you right and it does not offer quick-fix career solutions.
You will receive a mirror, you will be confronted with a challenge, you will receive tools and tips, and then you will start working on this yourself. Of course, a career counselor ensures that you reach your goal.

Types of career guidance

  1. Career counseling for practical questions, such as clarifying talents, vocational or study choice and the planning of your next career move or compiling a resume ;
  2. Career guidance in the event of obstacles, such as dismissal, 2nd track reintegration, stress, lethargy, burnout , conflicts with colleagues or supervisors;
  3. Career guidance in determining the price : making a step to reflect on the past and determining the career path to the future;
  4. Large organizations also have internal career counselors or a mobility center. They can help with practical questions. Think of problems that the internal career counselor can also serve the interests of the organization.

When career guidance

There is a lot of information available on the internet so that you can take practical steps at home. People often come to me when their careers stop. The job has become dull, the employer does not like it anymore, a bad performance interview, doubts about choices, overstrain, burnout or to discover what you really want.

How does a career counselor help

Usually people walk around in circles for a while when they come to me. The decision to tackle what hurts your career is an important decision, congratulations! In principle, a career counselor helps you to help yourself.
Many techniques can be used: testing, talent card games, different interview techniques and training. It is best to have an exploratory interview with 2 or 3 career counselors before you make a decision.

What is a good Career Counselor

A good career counselor works full-time and depends on the customers for his income. That creates more commitment. So ask how many clients a career counselor supervises.
The results are shown at the top. At what percentage of the programs are the objectives achieved? can someone make that clear?

What is the price tag?

On average, a career advisor asks 1000 Rupees - to 5000 Rupees minimum, - per hour. Sometimes reduced rates are used for private individuals. Speak well whether you pay per call or for the journey even if you have fewer calls, because that would be a waste of your money.
Usually there are at least 3 interviews with CV-check and application advice, but it can also be 10 conversations and 1 or 2 training sessions with a burnout.

What does career counseling online or offline provide?

The first half is that you get insight into the deeper layers, patterns, motives and motives through which you started to walk in circles. Why do you do what you do? Then many quarters are already falling.
The second half is that you actually get an answer to your question and that your problem is solved. You can make choices and achieve your goals without getting lost. You are back in your strength, you have a clear career course, your work goes a lot better and you get compliments.
A good career counselor ensures that you get better in your strength. Everyone benefits from that: you, your family and your colleagues.
In addition, a career counselor can guide you to a new job. A job that you enjoy going to.

Tips for choosing a good career coach

  • Speak clearly what you want to achieve. Not happy, money back?
  • Is the career coach himself enthusiastic? Then he likes to do something extra.
  • Can be reached by telephone until 9 pm and on weekends?
  • What does the coach communicate with your employer?
  • Does the coach coach more on atmosphere or on results?
  • Which tools does the coach work with?
  • Does the coach dare to confront?
  • What do others say about the coach?
  • Laughing together can also be very relief.
